International Missions 

Mission Cambodia - January 14-27, 2025

The purpose of this project is to support the work of Pete and Debbie Livingston in Phnom Penh, Cambodia by working with children and training teachers and administrators at New Vision School.  This is a child trafficking environment where the gospel is used for prevention and restoration. 

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South Asia Partnership  

West Conroe has an on-going partnership with an International Mission Board team working in South Asia.  

The Region (South Asia)

South Asia is a place of great contrasts. It is an up-and-coming global high-tech center while also being a place with thousands of villages with no running water or electricity. From the heights of the mighty Himalayas to the crystal-clear waters of the Maldives, South Asia is both awe-inspiring and heart-wrenching. South Asia has the largest concentration of lostness on the planet. It is the birthplace of Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism, and is home to more Muslims than any other part of the world. 


The Target City

The target city in which our Team Associates, Jack and Jean, will be working in is known for its temperate climate and lavish green space. The people of the city thrive with personal and professional success, yet their life in Christ remains dismal and sad. Unreached People Groups abound in the city with the largest group being the Muslim peoples. Less than 2% of the city is currently reported to be Christian, and many of those demonstrate faith in the health and wealth gospel rather than authentic Christianity. True, believing churches do exist but often find themselves inwardly focused.

The Team

The team is composed of several single individuals as well as family units from the US united together to reach Muslim peoples in the city and the country in which they liveBecause the country is closed to evangelistic workers, each team member is there on a “platform” of workThrough the secular work that they do, they are able to stay in country while also sharing the gospel, strengthening existing churches and starting new churches. 


The Task

The Great Commission task for Christians is to make disciples. God's primary agency for completing this task is His Church. The specific task of West Conroe is to come alongside our partners in whatever way they may needWe have and will continue to send short-term teams to encourage our team by joining them in their work, supporting them through prayer, listening to their stories, taking care of their children and just loving on them!   


How Can You Be Involved?


The most important and basic need for our team is prayer! Please pray for each individual and family on the team. Pray specifically for:  

  • Stamina and health 
  • Their families in the US 
  • Opportunities to share the gospel 
  • Clarity of speech as they share  
  • Receptivity of the gospel    
  • More workers and partners  


The workers on field are supported by your gifts to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering as well as special gifts to the team.


We will continue to send short-term teams to support our efforts in South Asia!  See the schedule of trips in our list on the Missions page.  There is also the opportunity to go for extended time periods.  If you have any questions, please contact Kay Robinson at  

" shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth."  Acts 1:8