Alan Gentiles
Alan serves as Minister to Senior Adults(Legacy) and Pastoral Care here at WCBC. He is a Louisiana transplant, where he graduated from Southeastern Louisiana University and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary with a major in Religious Education and minors in Music and Students.
Alan began serving the Lord in Southern Baptist churches in 1972 and came to Texas(commonly known as “The Promise Land”) in 1988. His focus and passion has been leading worship along with missions, near and far.
He married his high school sweetheart Melanie, in 1974 and has two children David Gentiles and Jennifer Woodard who has blessed them with 5 grandchildren.
His other interests are following the LSU Tigers and the Houston Astros. He and Melanie are also active in various mission endeavors such as mission trips, Builders for Christ and most recently, a 2 year stay in South Asia.